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Meet Our Team



As the Canadian construction business landscape continues to evolve, one factor remains constant: Van Horne Construction Ltd.’s commitment to excellence

We achieve this goal by retaining the best talent. We set ourselves apart from every other construction company simply by our strong philosophy and our work culture. With our 48 years in business, we have developed our core values that everyone is held to employees and subcontractors alike. It is these core values that have placed Van Horne in a strong position in the marketplace, allowing us to move forward with our growth plan and strategies. Van Horne also continues to build up a strong track record in delivering optimum results for our clients, partnerships, and stakeholders.

Fesih Zeki Mert


Our Professionals

Our Dedicated Team

Wissam Ajina

VICE PresIdent OperatIons

Sedat Cifci

General Manager

Fang Guo

VIce PresIdent FInance

Hema Paneer

VIce PresIdent AdmInIstratIon

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